Monday, November 29, 2010

Do I fail even if I try?

I will just come out with - I have had a bad couple of weeks.
I know I have to lose weight - for so many reasons. But these last few weeks have been hard. Anyone with me on that?
I'm sure it has to do with stress - I eat when I am stressed and I think I've addressed that. And I mean I eat. I come from a family of addicts - mostly alcohol and tobacco - and I've always patted myself on the back for not 'drinking' and not 'smoking'. Of course all the while I was patting myself with one hand, I was shoveling a Big Mac in my mouth with the other. It is wicked, addiction. And I may touch more on my personal demon of food in a later blog.
But currently, I have circled my proverbial wagons. In large part due to people who aren't me who care about people who are me.
I have a great friend - Rose - who gave me on my birthday something called Get Your Skinny which is NOT a meal replacement but a vitamin packed powder that you mix with water and make a pudding that you can use at snack time. My health care provider was impressed with what it did and didn't have and gave me the go ahead to use it. She (Rose) also gave me something called Personal Trainer in a Box which are cards you can use - with instruction - to exercise either at home or at the gym.
My sister in law talked me into going to Weight Watchers again. So I did sign up. I have had success with that in the past. There is a new improved plan I understand.
And - I have another group of friends that exercise at another's house three times a week and I was invited there.
In short - I have no more excuses not to saddle up again. It's all very hard and I know you all know it's very hard. We all fall on this road of better eating. We all would prefer the french fries to the baked potato, the apple pie to the apple. The stuffing to the turkey.
But - stick with me - we can get through this.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In the Winter of my Life?

I don't think so.
By the time you read this, I will have turned 50. And you know, it isn't such a big deal.
I know, I know. I am over the proverbial hill. So, I do, without much doubt, probably have more years behind me than ahead. But the years behind? I can only remember a few, but were they memorable.
Like four. Who doesn't remember four? I was in Kindergarten (an early starter) and I will tell you, it was nothing like today's Kindergarten. All I had to do was nap, play nice, share and eat my snack. The only lessons? Well, there was math. I was allowed only one cookie but if I brought cookies and there were 15 in the class and the pack had 25 cookies, 10 were going home. There was reading. We didn't so much read as we looked at this massive picture book and decided what Dick and Jane were doing. And there was recess. Now, I have to give credit to recess. In that little time frame, a person learns time management, sharing and delegation.
I also remember seven. Seven was the year my older brother joined the Army. He really never moved home again and I must say, I was devastated. While I would do four again, I don't think I would do seven again.
I would however take another stab at 7 going on 8. In August of that year (1968) my parents thought it would be fun to pack my other brother and I up and take us to New Mexico. We went via Florida and across Texas. We went home up through Colorado. In no particular order, I saw caves, a tarantula, a bald eagle, buffalo freely roaming, NASA, the Alamo, the aftermath of a hurricane, a scorpion and stars so big and huge, I was sure I could touch them. And we went to the World's Fair.
Also in 1968? My beautiful niece was born. What a firecracker she was and still is.
Sixteen was pretty memorable. I got my license... followed by losing my insurance because of an accident...or two. Sigh. On the flip side, I did go to New York that year with my high school band. And another trip my senior year to march in DC.
College was a fantastic time for me, after I got used to it. I was able to reach so much more than I ever dreamed possible. And I found out I was a bit smarter than my high school grades indicated as I missed Dean's List by the breadth of the required GPA.
And 49? I cannot tell you what my sister gave me at 49. A girls week involving a bridge, some elk and the great north. Thank you.
Married now, with three wonderful kids and 5 fantastic grand kids, why, indeed would I begrudge 50? I have done more in my first well, 8 years than most do in a lifetime. I have a full life behind me and I anticipate likewise ahead.
You cannot look at age as a reflection of who you are or what you can or cannot do. Age really is just a number and I have had, looking back, an amazing life of opportunities and 50 allows me to see that.
No - 50 is not a period on the story of my life, it is but a comma.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's-all-about-food season!

It is that time of year. We have fallen back on the clock, frost is patched on our lawns and windshields, smoke from chimneys trickle upward. Apples dot the ground. It really is beautiful.

And we start in now with all the smells, sights and tastes that remind us of childhood perhaps, or college. Or some first - whether it be a Barbie, a kiss or baby. It's all about getting back to familiar and this time of year is really hard for me motivation and healthy eating wise. I am very happy wrapped in a blanket with a big mug of some cream based or cheese based soup watching a movie. Not moving.

I think I am going to have to get creative this year. I promised my son a more festive Christmas. I can't be eating if I'm decorating and I am thinking that if housework can be considered exercise, so can getting into the holiday spirit.

I don't much like outdoor activities in the winter - the cold hurts at my age. But I do have equipment at home.

And the soups? I think I can adjust them. A few years ago I knocked down the calorie and fat count of cheeseburger soup by going fat free and low fat with much of the ingredients and I couldn't tell a difference.

But starting with Thanksgiving and coasting through New Year's Day, I think I am going to have to do some serious work. I am trying to be hopeful. And I am hopeful for you too. I think we can do it!

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Shoes!

Walking just got a whole lot better. Wait. Before I tell you that, I have to tell you a story. We were, until today, a one paycheck family. (I started a new job today, but that isn't the story!) I am sure most of you know, one paycheck doesn't go far.
I had intended to buy a pair of shoes and join Weight Watchers this week. I am doing OK with the dieting save for a piece of birthday cake for my son's birthday and an occasional chip. But, because I have so much to loose, I am afraid I will get frustrated down the road. I had also planned to buy new shoes for walking. Up till three days ago, my shoes were the average white tennis shoes. Not conducive to walking.
But, as fate and bills and birthdays will have it, there wasn't enough to do either one. Sigh. Enter a bit of luck
I entered a contest that is a weekly thing on our local radio station. If you find the entry blank on the website, you can enter and maybe, just maybe, you will win a 100.00 mall wide gift certificate.
Well, I won!!! The day I entered!!!
So, it was with great joy - no kidding - great joy - that I bought a pair of LA Gear Walk and Tone shoes. My feet love me now. I am currently walking a mile, but with these shoes, plan to up that in the next week or so.
I am not an expert on exercise or that sort of thing but I will tell you this - a loaded ipod and a good pair of walking shoes will make all the difference to you!
Thanks for staying with me!