Monday, May 23, 2011

What Am I Really Losing?

In other words, what does the "It" in "Weir Losing It" define for me?
At first I thought it was just weight - you know, "Weir Losing Weight" or "Weir Losing Fat" - however you wish to interpret it - but a few weeks back, I thought "If Dr. Hall read that (Dr. Hall being on of the professors at the college I attended) she would ask what 'it' is."
I guess, for me, that one little two letter word is more than dropping pounds. There is a whole lot going on when someone is losing a substantial amount of weight.
For example, I am starting to lose that part of me that puts everyone first to the neglect of self. That is significant. I do for people. I love to do for people. But at some point along the way - this giving nature of mine as turned into neglecting nature as well.
I'll use socks as an example. If I'm at a store with my spouse and son and mention I need socks, well, my son will need them too. So, you know, I forgo my socks and get the boy socks. Because he really did need them. And he apologizes and says no mom, you get yours when he sees I'm not getting any. But that's OK, because as I said, he needs socks so he gets them...and I don't.
Or I have plans to do something, but someone needs me to do something else so I cancel my plans. Or I shorten them. And you know, I say, Oh that's alright, no problem. And when I think to myself it is a problem, I then feel selfish.
So this weekend, I did for myself. Some might call it selfish, but I still feel good inside. I went to a spa day at Burton's Last Resort - a tavern type establishment right on the lake. And I mean right on. The deck extends a bit over the water so you could hear the waves lapping up underneath you. Well, I had my toes done. I've never had my toes done before. I've never had them polished. So I did. And it was fun. And I was late doing something for someone and I don't think she was too happy when she found out why but you know, I just didn't care because I was doing something that made me feel good. My husband also gave me a bit of a dirty look. Again. Don't care. Doing for me.
Giving to people in and of itself is not a problem; however, it becomes a problem when it is to the degree you are not doing anything for youself. You need to do for yourself. When you are with your friends, with your collegues, with the public in general, you are presenting your whole self, not just that physical shell. When you do things nice for yourself, you are being the best you can be and you in turn give that to the people that surround you. So give them your best.
That's what this column will focus on - what we can lose and what that loss helps us gain!!
What is your "It"? What can you lose to better yourself?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fish Gotta Swim Bird Gotta Fly...

Boy has to have a birthday. Sigh. My lovely grandson Jacob, who lives in Brighton, turns a big 5 next thursday. And of course, there will be a party.
This weekend. In Brighton. On Sunday. The day of the 5K. Again, sigh!
This should have been an easy one - miss the 5K. I mean, did I even need to think about it?
But, I did. I was resolute. I was walking - tell him I said hi!
Ah, but the better part of me took over.
We leave at 6 AM Sunday for a funfilled day of cake, bounce houses, sticky hands and huge smiles (void of a tooth here or there, I suppose, because he's at that age).
Did I even need to think about this?
So, Sunday, not walking. But I am keeping my ears open for another 5K - I'm sure there will be one in the future somewhere.
And, I'm still on program - little fat, little simple carbs, lots of veggies, fruit and protein.
You all have a good weekend!
I'm going to!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Feeling Calm

Strange, isn't it? How one thing, one phrase, one comment can turn you in a new direction. And, how odd the feeling.
As some of you know, I had a gall bladder attack in the not too distant past. At that time, the doctor in ER talked to me about the function of the gall bladder and how high fat and greasy foods can inhibit or interupt that function. Hence, the attack.
I haven't really eaten much with fat or grease in it since. And I haven't missed anything really. I've gotten quite used to my new meal plans and unlike the past gabillion times I've tried to eat healthy, I'm actually enjoying it.
I can't help but wonder why? Doctor's in the past have told me that I need to eat better for my heart, my liver, my life. I don't know why this time was different, and I suppose I shouldn't question, but that is what i do. I question. Everything.
But the bigger thing is this - when he said that, I felt like a weight had been lifted - like my penence, for lack of a better word, was over. Odd, isn't it? I felt like, in that moment, I had finally been released. I still feel that way. To the point where, when I think about it, I get kind of teary.
And I feel great! I'm still losing - another I think, 6, down, since the last time I wrote. I had my massage and scheduled another one. What a great idea and treat that was. I usually don't like people touching my feet but the reflexology was amazing. The rest of the massage therapy was too - but I was concerned about the whole foot issue.
So, down over 20 pounds now (23.2 to be exact), not unhappy, don't feel deprived, in a good place. And it can only get better!!!
This journey I am on, I know will be long, and I'm pretty sure there will be more hills and valleys. But I'm enjoying this oasis I have found.