Friday, December 31, 2010


What a great way to start the New Year!
Let me explain. I am a Weight Watcher. Really. I go to meetings - the whole bit. I had a meeting yesterday - December 30. Yikes. So soon after Christmas? So soon after the parties, the sweets, the buffets? I didn't want to go but, well, I have a relative that goes to the same meeting. I would get a text - "Where were you?" Not a chastising text, mind you. But she supports me. So I went.
"Let's see - you lost 3.5 pounds this week," Said our leader. "So if I subtract this number from your start weight... YOU GET A STAR!!"
Yep, folks. I've lost a bit over 5 pounds in four weeks. It hasn't been easy. And I did have a stomach bug for a day or two. But, wow! Five pounds!
And, even though it is such a small amount, some clothes feel a bit more loose. I feel a bit more energy. I feel a bit more happier. And that was before I knew about the loss.
We got a family gift of a Wii for Christmas. My son and I have done Wii Resort almost every night since Christmas day. It isn't a lot, but it is up for 30 minutes or so.
My next Wii purchase will be Wii Fit. I am so excited because the Fit Board is for people up to 300 pounds. I don't weigh that - but I will offer this - I weigh more than the 250 limit that is on my treadmill.
So all in all, I think my year is off to a positive start!
Have a safe and happy new year! And thanks for you support in 2010.


  1. You know you really should get a job writing somewhere!!!

  2. 5 pounds is not a small amount! It's the weight of a sack of flour or small feat! I have lost and gained a couple sacks of flour in the last 3 months and I want to get back on the LOSING side of things. Your blog is inspiring! Thanks for being so honest.
